
I'm proud of myself

Sometimes I feel so proud of myself for having some things happened in my life just unexpectedely like I once had by sitting on a  w.c. pan of some gents and having  - Not that you’ve just thought of - , but a very clear image of this blue “Violin d’Ingre” top appeared in my mind. So I precipitated to take a pen out of my bag and make a sketch right on a piece of a toilet paper to show it then to my mom. After a week or something I got what I wanted. I’m blessed with having a personal dress maker in my disposal.  Unfortunately,  I used to show off wearng my blue “Violin d’Ingre” tot only once, when me and my ex’s friends went to Adygei to have picnic in the forest side about three years ago. Then it was stolen in a hotel room during my trip around the Region.  I miss the result of my true aha factor!

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